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- 208Total Learners
- 13Total Sessions
- Oct 24, 2011Active Since
- Dallas, TX, United StatesLocation
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Maura Schreier-Fleming is president of Best@Selling (www.BestatSelling.com) which was started in 1997. She works with business and sales professionals to increase productivity and sales. She is the author of Real-World Selling for Out-of-this-World Results, Monday Morning Sales Tips and writes several business columns including "Customer Connections" for the Dallas, Austin and Houston Business Journals. She writes the Real Deal: Success for Women in Business blog for Allbusiness.com and is a Sales Coach for Allbusiness.com. Maura developed and delivers the Master Selling program for...
Experience and Distinctions
Maura is the 2011 Chair of the Dallas Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and is also a board member. The IEEE-USA Board of Directors selected her as a 2006 recipient of the Professional Achievement Award for Promoting community awareness of the practice of engineering.” Maura was the 2004 recipient of Altrusa International, Inc.-Richardson Outstanding Women of Today Small Business Award. She chaired the 2002 YWCA Women of Achievement Program in Dallas.
Ms. Schreier-Fleming is a member of the National Speakers Association (NSA).